Successful Candidate Placement

Executive & Retained Search

We’re not just filling an open position. We’re analytically searching and pre-qualifying a candidate that will help take the company to the next level.

The Right

Your company will experience an immediate increased return on investment. In addition, an experienced, fully vetted, and properly placed employee will begin performing at or above expectations in a much shorter amount of time.

The Right
Search Process

The Right
Benefits for You

We're Experienced

Partner With the Right Search Firm

When partnering with an established executive search firm, your company will experience an immediate increased ROI. In addition, an experienced, fully vetted, and properly placed employee will begin performing at or above expectations in a much shorter period. 

A recent industry trend report provided qualitative information about the best recruiters. Respondents were asked to write their ideas about a successful recruiter’s most exceptional qualities, and the most dominant answer was “persistence.” The second was “the ability to listen” and supporting the importance of holding on against all the odds – “tenacity.”

These are the exact traits of the recruiting and search professionals at New Iron Solutions, who also deliver on the following commitments: 

  1. To provide a highly professional, transparent, and confidential search process. Clear expectations are set through a complete description of how the search will be conducted, fees, and policies.
  2. To provide experience, tenure, and the ability to educate constituents.
  3. To provide full due diligence and business acumen, including thorough client interviews to understand your specific company requirements, industry, and target candidate research.
  4. To provide vast industry knowledge and experience learned over 20+ years of recruiting candidates at the executive level.

Focusing on the details with well-defined processes, documentation, follow-through, confidentiality, and constant communication with our client ensures the best candidate fit moving forward.

THE RIGHT PROCESS for executive search

The New Iron Search Process

In a traditional search and interview process, the candidate receives a series of standard questions that typically have straightforward answers. However, the answers do not necessarily indicate how a candidate performed or behaved during the interview process but elicit responses that can be easily scripted or subjective. 

We utilize a combination of proven behavioral and proprietary interviewing tools we have developed over years of fine-tuning this process. New Iron Solutions will assess and “scorecard” each candidate based on their personal, professional, and financial goals, behaviors, and essential motivations to the individual client. By aligning your specific needs with this optimized candidate profile, we can pinpoint and elicit mutually beneficial and lasting employee relationships more accurately. This proprietary process of proven executive behavioral interviewing tools, in tandem with our experience in the IT sales industry, separates New Iron Executive Search from other search firms.

Here are a few of the steps we employ in determining the Behavioral Interviewing Model for your company and position:


  1. We work with you to identify behaviors necessary for the role to succeed. We also determine key performance indicators (KPIs) expected in the position.
  2. Working with you, we create a customized questionnaire document for the specific role and use it to screen candidates.
  3. We use a combination of behavioral analysis and questionnaires to identify candidates with the most likelihood of success in the position for interviewing and the next steps, saving you a tremendous amount of interview time, effort, and expense.  
The New Iron Process

By partnering with New Iron Solutions and utilizing our efficient Behavioral Interviewing Model, you will experience an increase in employee fill rate, enjoy greater retention, and significantly reduce the number of candidates interviewed (ideally in the range of 3-5). This streamlined process will make your HR and recruiting manager’s job more manageable, increasing hiring speed while reducing time and expense (including costly turnover).

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Executive Search You Can Trust.